January 2010

January 2010
"o magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together." PS 34:3

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Won't be long now!

Each day is better then the last - really! Today Lowell took me out for breakfast and I used the cane and not the walker....in the afternoon we went to a Christian book store and again I went on the cane (and using Lowell's hand as we crossed the street). Then tonight I fixed dinner, but to be honest - that took what I had left in me out.....We didn't even go for our walk tonight :( but I did a lot of walking today anyways.
I should be discharged this week from the PT as I said and I only have this week left and then its back to Mayo....(the 2nd) pray for our safety as we travel. I would also ask that you pray for a young couple who were hit head on by a drunk driver. He came across the center line and hit them head on. They have 4 children (8 years to a new baby) and all were hurt but the baby. Because the parents were up front they were hurt most......pray for them, what is my little surgery in light of this, but we all serve and love the same God and I know HE is in control of them as well as HE was with me ........ but I understand the need of prayer on their behalf.
I'll let you know how I'm doing as the week goes by.
I won't be back to church yet tomorrow but I'm biting at the bit to get there. Last week there were right at 300 so it's good I didn't try it ....... I'm still a little unsure of my footing, but it won't be long now!!
Thanks again for continuing to pray for me.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


This won’t be long because I still don’t have a lot of strength for sitting at the typewriter and trying to type. It is still hard to see the screen and type, partly because of my glasses needing to be adjusted and partly because of the neck muscles needing to get stronger. However I had to thank you for all of your love, support and prayers. I have been in a valley that I’ve never been in before and it has been quite a walk. I hope to soon being up to having the strength to tell you all about it., but it will come as the strength does. For now know of my appreciation for each of you, for your love, caring and most of all your prayers for us…..we’re almost ½ way there so please continue to hold us up before His throne and continue to pray for us….it’s because of you we’ve come this far by faith!

Lovingly to you,


Translation of the Blog folowing:


Esto no será larga ya que todavía no tengo la fuerza para estar sentada frente a esta maquina y escribir. Todavía me cuesta ver la pantalla y escribir, parte es porque nos anteojos necesitan un ajuste y la otra es porque los nervios de mi cuello necesitan mas fuerza. Aun así, quería darles las gracias por todo su amor, apoyo y oraciones. Me ha tocado pasar por el desierto por el cual nunca había pasado y ha sido algo diferente. Espero que pronto tenga la fuerza para poder contarles más en detalle, pero vendrá cuando regresen las fuerzas. Por ahora, les envió mi aprecio a cada uno de ustedes, por su amor, su cariño y mas que nada por sus oraciones por nosotros... ya casi llegamos a la mitad de todo esto así que continúen orando manteniéndonos en oración ante el trono de gracia. Es por cada uno de ustedes que hemos llegado hasta aquí.

Con amor


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Her first "Fresh Air"!

We are so thankful for the break in the hot weather and we got her outside for a little walk.
Keep praying for her recovery!
We love you all!

Spanish translation of Blog following:

Su primer suspiro de aire fresco.

Estamos agradecidos por el alivio del clima caliente ya que pudimos sacarla afuera para que caminara un poco.

Continúen orando por su recuperación.

¡Los amamos mucho

Sunday, August 9, 2009


No other way to say it...Saturday was a bad day!

Please continue to pray for her. Pray that the muscle spasms would subside, that her strength would return, that the pain would lessen, and even more, that her spirit would be encouraged.



"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:18

Translation of the Blog to follow:

Un Día muy mal :(

No hay otra forma de decirlo...el sábado fue un mal día.

Por favor, continué orando por ella. Oran que los dolores de los músculos pasen, y que su fuerza pronto regrese, que su dolor no sea tan fuerte y más que nada, que su espíritu sea alentado.



“No mirando nosotros las cosas que se ven, sino las que no se ven; pues las cosas que se ven son temporales, pero las que no se ven son eternas.” 2 Corintios 4:18

Friday, August 7, 2009

This blog should not be called "Momma Having Fun"!

First, let me apologize that it has been so long since I have been on here. When we were at Mayo, I had all the time in the world to entertain myself on here (and ya'll thought this was to keep you posted...nope, just to keep me busy!). :) Now that we are back in Charlotte, any free moments seem to be filled family, friends, naps, cleaning, ...oh yeah, and taking care of Momma!

So, I guess enough about me...as for Momma...it has been quite the roller coaster ride. Let's just say, none of us have been riding with our arms up! Just holding on for dear life.

The pain has been far more than anticipated and we have had to change out the medicines 3 times. I thought on Wednesday, we were going to have to take her back to the hospital to get it under control. The problem was, they were going to have to take her in an ambulance and which one of you thinks for one second that Momma is going out the door that way...at least while conscious?!? Not our Momma! After trying to talk her into this, I realized that she was more likely to go out in a hearse than an ambulance!

She has had a lot of trouble with muscle spasms due to all of the muscles having to be pulled away from the spine during surgery to get in there and operate. She is still under "Lucy and Ethel's 24 hour care" which you can imagine how humored she is after 2 weeks of this! We still find each other hysterical and know that some day....very far away...she will find it funny too! :)

I have to say it has been amazing to have so many friends and family support us through all of this. Our church has provided dinner every night this week for my parents and if it weren't for them, those would be 2 skinny old people by now! :) (The good thing is, she is not mobile enough yet to get on a computer and read all I am writing. If you turn on the blog one day, and it is gone, you will know Momma got up and I quickly had to delete all I had written!)

At this point, she is still pretty much immobilized. She is not able to do simple things yet like feed herself or write but we pray this will start to come back quickly as she begins occupational therapy this week. It is killing her to not be able to write thank you notes to all the people who have done so much for us! This week, because of all the pain, she has not been able to do anything at all.

Can I ask for you to pray for her for one more week? I know there are so many with far greater needs that I hate to be selfish but it has been amazing to see the direct answers to your prayers.

We love you all!


P.S. More pictures to come...she is not drugged enough right now for me to snap one! :)

Translation of the Blog following:

Este blog no debe llamarse “Mama divirtiéndose”.

Primera, disculpas ya que ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que escribí algo aquí. Cuando estábamos en la clínica Mayo, tenía todo el tiempo del mundo para entretenerme con esto, (y ustedes pensaban que era para mantenerles informado...la verdad que no, algo para mantenerme ocupada.). :) Ahora que estamos en Charlotte, cada momento libro se llena con cosas de la familia, amistades, siestas, limpiar casa...y también el cuidado de Mama...

Pienso que ya es suficiente escribir sobre mí...ahora lo de Mama...Hemos pasado tiempos inestables, es como si estuviéramos en una montaña rusa pero no con las manos hacia arriba, mas que nada, tratar de no caernos.

El dolor ha sido más de lo anticipado y hemos cambiado medicamentos ya tres veces. El miércoles casi la llevamos al hospital una vez más para que le controlaran el dolor. El problema fue que la tendrían que llevar en ambulancia y cuantos de ustedes piensan por un minuto que Mama viajaría en ella, puede ser que inconsciente pueda ser. No nuestra Mama. Después de tratar de motivarla a que viajara en ella, me di cuanta que seria más probable que viajara en coche fúnebre que ambulancia.

Ha tenido muchos problemas con dolores musculares ya que los músculos fueron separados de su espina dorsal durante la operación. Todavía esta bajo el cuidado de nosotros 24 horas al día, al cual se pueden imaginar lo chistoso que es después de habar pasado 2 semanas juntas. Todavía nos matos de risa y sabemos que algún día...muy lejos...ella se dará cuanta de lo chistoso de esto. :)

Debo decirles que ha sido increíble al ver a muchos amigos y familiares apoyarnos a través de todo esto. Nuestra Iglesia a proveído cena cada día para mis padres y si no fuera por ellos, ellos dos ahora fueran dos viejitos flaquitos. :) (Lo bueno es que todavía no pueda moverse, lo cual la impide de tener acceso a su computadora y leer todo lo que estoy escribiendo. Si algún día ingresan a esta blog y no aparece, se darán cuanta que Mama ya esta mejor y ha eliminado todo lo que he escrito.)

Hasta este punto, ella no pueda moverse. Ni siquiera puede hace las cosas simples como alimentarse sola o escribir pero oraremos para que esto pronto se revierta rápido al comenzar terapia operacional esta semana. Se le hace muy difícil al no poder escribir notas de agradecimiento a todos los que han hecho tanto por ella. Esta semana, por el inmenso dolor, no ha podido hacer nada.

¿Les puedo pedir que oren por allá una semana más? Estoy consciente que hay cosas mayores por las cuales están orando y no quiero ser egoísta pero ha sido increíble ver una contestación directa a sus oraciones.

Los amamos mucho a todos


PD. Más fotos por venir. Por ahora no esta muy drogata para tomarle uno... :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Momma is at home but is finding the pain to be very intense. Some of this may be because of the long ride home in the car and some of this is because there are many things that are actually harder now that she is home. For example...bed. Seems like the best thing in the world would be to sleep in your own bed...that is unless you have to get out of it! In the hospital, of course, we would set the bed up to get her out. Here, no buttons on the bed! :(

This has been the most painful day so far so please continue on in your prayers. We are blessed to here, 6 days out, but the road ahead is looking a little bumpy today!

Thank you so much!

(To send a note: mail4momma@gmail.com)

Spanish translation of the Blog following:

¡OUCH!…¡Que Dolor!…

Mama esta en casa pero esta con mucho dolor. Pueda ser que esto s el resultado del largo viaje en el auto y también porque ha encontrado algunas cosas difíciles ahora que esta en casa. Por ejemplo…la cama. Uno de imagina que para dormir y descansar bien no hay mejor lugar que su propia cama…al menos que tengas que subir y bajar de ella. En el hospital teníamos una cama que la podíamos enderezar y elevar…aquí en casa, no hay botones para oprimir…

Esta ha sido el día mas doloroso para ella, por favor continué orando por ella. Es una gran bendición estar aquí. 6 días han pasado, pero el camino todavía se ve difícil…

Muchas gracias

(Para enviar una notita: mail4momma@gmail.com)

(To drop her a note: mail4momma@gmail.com)

Saturday, August 1, 2009


We will fill you in on the details tomorrow but we had to let you know, the doctors released her this morning...fun story to come on that...we put her in the car....AND MOMMA IS HOME IN SWEET NORTH CAROLINA! Would have never, ever, ever, happened without YOUR, yes, YOUR prayers!

Thank you! We will tell the story tomorrow...it is midnight, she is in bed, and we are all going to rest in answered prayers!

We love you each and every one!

(In case you are wondering, she still has a long road ahead. She will have to have 24 hour care as well as "in home health care" working with her. This journey is not over, but it sure feels better working from here.)

Spanish translation of the Blog following:


Les compartiremos mas detalles mañana pero no podíamos aguarnos mas en decirles que los médicos le han dado de alta a mama esta mañana…mas adelante, les compartiré una anécdota sobre esto… Le hemos subido al auto…y mama estaré en su hogar, lindo hogar en Carolina del Norte. Esto nunca hubiera pasado sin sus oraciones, si…sus oraciones.

Muchas gracias. Mañana compartiremos mas detalles…es la media noche al estar escribiendo esto. Por ahora, mama esta durmiendo y también nosotros nos vamos a dormir.

Los amamos mucho.

(Si es que están pensando, todavía le falta mucho por delante. Tendrá que ser atendida las 24 horas del día en casa que le ayude con su terapia. Esta etapa de su vida no ha terminado, pero trabajar con ella desde casa será mejor.)