January 2010

January 2010
"o magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together." PS 34:3

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Here is an update from the "A team" the "B (Barbara) team" will be back in shortly. Daddy and I have been here all day with her and she has had a BIG day. Anyone who thinks people rest in a hospital has never stayed in a hospital!

This morning started with breakfast. She is having to relearn how to eat. Her depth perception is off and she is having to really concentrate to get the muscles in her hands and arms to work. Then when that was done occupational therapy came and put her through the paces. Shortly after, physical therapy came and got her up and in a chair. They told her she could sit there and hour, but she fell asleep and stayed there close to 2 hours. (drugs are great!) They woke her up for more physical therapy. This time they got her up and walking! (walking is a relative term....she was able to use a walker and "walked" about 12 feet--baby steps lead to big steps one day) The therapist ask her if she was a "fast paced lady" and Momma said , "Joy am I fast paced?" I told the nurse, "No she is not fast paced just head-strong and she wants to go home!" She finally made it back to her bed after an hour down in x-rays. Through all of this we have been doing a breathing contraption every hour. She is now back in bed and exhausted from her big day. All the activity today has increased her pain. The Dr. said all those nerves that were pinched tight for so long are now getting used to having room and are "waking up". While I am sure she is glad they are waking up I think right now she would like for them to go to sleep so she could sleep : )

My mom, dad, Barbara and I have all been amazed and encouraged by those of you who have been so sweet and have sent up so many prayers on our behalf. It is one thing to hear others talk of God's grace and the goodness of His people praying for you it an another thing to experience it!! Thank-you all for praying. Please continue to pray for her to have strength and grace for the coming days. One Dr. today said usually the 3rd day out of surgery is the hardest. And the surgeon is still not sure if she is going to need physical therapy here at another facility before he will release her to go home. Also pray for Daddy and he continues to wait and watch. He is a "fixer" and a "doer" not a "waiter" and a "watcher".

Much love to you all....


Spanish translation of the Blog following:

A continuación un informe del “equipo A” el “equipo B (Barbara)” regresare en pronto. Papa e yo hemos estado aquí casi todo el día con ella y ha tenido un día enorme. Todo el que piensa que al estar en un hospital descansa obviamente no ha estado internado.

El día comenzó con desayuno, ella ha tenido que aprender una vez más a comer. Su percepción de profundidad no es buena y necesita concentrarse mucho para mover los músculos sus brazos y manos. Después, los de terapia ocupacional trabajaron con ella. Después, los de terapia física llegaron y la sentaron en una silla. Le dijeron que podía estar sentada una hora pero se quedo dormida por casi dos. (¡Lindas las drogas!) Después la despertaron para más terapia física. Esta ves, la pararon caminaron con ella. (Caminar, un termina relativo...ya que uso un carrito y “camino” como 4 metros, de los cuales la llevaran a caminar mas pronto) La enfermera le pregunta si era una señora acostumbrada a rapidez y mama dijo, “¿Joy, estoy acostumbrada a la rapidez?” le dije a la enfermera que , “¡no, es cabeza dura y quiere ir a su casa!” Finalmente regreso a su cama después de estar una hora en la sala de rayos-X. Con todo esto, hemos estado ayudándole a que respire con un aparato que le dieron cada hora. Por fin esta descansando después de una día de mucha actividad. Toda la actividad del día le ha causado mucho dolor. El doctor nos comento que todos los nervios que estaban comprimidos por mucho tiempo ahora están “despertando” y acomodándose con todo el espacio que ahora tienen. Se que esta agradecida por que están “despertando” pero se que prefiere que estén como antes para que pueda descansar.

Mi mama, papa, Barbara e yo hemos sido motivados y estamos agradecidos por el amor demostrado y sus oraciones por nosotros. Es una cosa escuchar a la gente hablar de la gracia y el amor de Dios de su gente y sus oraciones, pero es otra cosa totalmente experimentarla. Gracias por sus oraciones. Continúen orando para que tenga fuerzas y vea la gracia de Dios en los días venideros. Un medico nos comento que el tercer día después de la operación es el mas duro. Otra cosa, el cirujano todavía no esta seguro si mama necesitara terapia física aquí o en otro lugar antes de darle de alta y regresar a casa. Oren también por papa ya que continúa esperando y viendo. A el le gusta “arreglar” las cosas y “hacer” cosas...no le gusta “esperar” ni tampoco no “hacer nada”

Mucho amor para todos...



  1. Since we born we have an intention to move somewhere and do something... But once the Lord said this:
    "Their strength is to sit still" (Isaiah 30:7)
    So, perhaps now the same God's rule applies to y'all? We continue to pray.

  2. Hello my Friend..
    LOVE the smile on your face!!!!
    I know this has been a hard day..but you are showing everyone (with Gods help) you CAN do this!!!!
    Jud and I visited a lady and husband in Concord today (BBN listeners who also has a Boston Bull Dog) She is almost at deaths door..in-home care...and has not eaten for 3-4 days.
    They leave their radio on "round the clock" and even though she was not able to carry on a conversation with us..She knew we were there, and knew Dolly was "cute" like her little Boston. (Jud will tell you all about them when he gets there tomorrow)
    Jud will also give you a BIG (well, make that a "light" so-as-to-not-hurt-you hug just from me to you..
    Sleep well.. and
    "Talk" to you later!!!"

